The CACTUS – Journal of tourism for research, education, culture, and soul (CACTUS-RECS Journal):
- is an open access journal that provides bi-annual publication of articles on various economic topics.
- welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. All articles published are peer-reviewed.
Types of paper
- Research Papers: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly. Research papers are subject to a peer-review process.
- Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.
- Industry Viewpoint: Industry Viewpoints should have between 500 and 1,500 words; these papers may have an “annotation” form, and aim at presenting and discussing ideas, views and suggestions by practitioners (tourism industry professionals, tourism planners, policy makers, other tourism stakeholders, etc.). Through these points of view, CACTUS Journal provides a platform for ideas exchanging and for establishing closer links between academics and practitioners. Most viewpoints should focus on contemporary issues, but other issues are also welcome for presentation if appropriate. Industry Viewpoints are not subject to blind peer review; the decision for the final acceptance of the article will be taken by the Editorial Board. These articles may be assigned to potential authors by the editor, though CACTUS Journal is also open to (voluntary) contributions from interested parties.
Papers must be submitted via e-mail to
The online CACTUS is a publication of the research center with the same name, centered on the professional identification and analysis of current issues that characterize tourism in Romania and abroad.
Articles to be published in the CACTUS Journal should report original research that have never been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers presented at conferences are welcome provided they have not been published in full in the conference volume. All articles will be submitted in British or American English.
Important Specifications
The journal is issued twice a year, in June and December. Papers may be submitted throughout the year. After the submission, the articles are subject of a verification of eligibility based on the requirements set within the Author Guidelines. The authors are informed via e-mail about the result of the verification within 30 days from the submission. Eligible articles are submitted to double blind peer review, that last at most 45 days, authors being also informed about the results of this stage. Please follow the Template provided below. Although there are no restrictions on the length of the research paper, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive, papers of 4000-8000 words are most welcome. Articles that do not conform with the requirements specified in the Template will be rejected outright, without being sent to peer review. The policy of the journal requires that an author signs not more than an article in two consecutive issues. Manuscripts should be submitted using the form provided on the Journal’s website.
Paper Template - download Paper Template
Paper Title
The title should describe clearly and accurately the content of the article. It is crucial that the title includes keywords that readers are likely to use when searching for articles online.
The abstract must include sufficient information for readers to judge the nature and significance of the topic. It should summarize the objectives of the article, methodology, results and conclusions. In order to increase the visibility of the article, the abstract should reiterate key words and phrases while avoiding unnecessary repetition.
Three to five keywords (words or expressions) that capture the essence of your paper should be listed in decreasing order of importance, ensuring consistency with the title and the abstract of the article.
JEL Classification
The article should follow the Journal of Economic Literature classification system (JEL), in one or several categories (minimum 2 JEL codes). Click here for JEL classification;
The introduction familiarizes the reader with the context of the paper. It should briefly summarize current literature and research, as well as the aim of the work presented in the paper.
Paper Body
The article should be the result of an original research. The structure of the paper should be clear and well organized. Titles and subtitles should be placed in logical sequence. Please make use of accepted terminology in your field, provide a detailed description of methodology, clearly state your results, and discuss the implications of your findings.
A conclusion section is required. Conclusions should provide a synthesis of the main contributions of the paper, discuss the importance of the work, and or suggest possible applications and extensions of the research.
Rules regarding article formatting
The paper title shall be written in uppercase and centered across the top of the page in Times New Roman font type 14 point, bold.
The Authors’ names will be written under the paper title, centered across the page, single spaced, specifying: title, affiliation, country and e-mail address. The abstract will be written in Times New Roman, 10 point, Italic, Justify. It must have 100 to 250 words, single spaced. Abbreviations will not be used in the abstract. The paper body should be written with in Times New Roman 11 point, single spaced. Tables and figures should not occupy more than one page each. The heading should be in Times New Roman 11 point bold. Please indicate the source of data. References to tables and figures in the text of the article should be made within parentheses, e.g. „(fig. no.1), (table no. 1)”. Graphs must be uncluttered and easy to read, preferably in black and white. Equations and formulas should be numbered. The numbers are to be justified to the right, within parentheses. Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used in the paper.
Referencing style. CACTUS Journal requires the author-date referencing style (Harvard), developed by Anglia Ruskin University. The referencing style can be accessed here.
The logical connection between the title of the article, abstract, keywords, main content and conclusions should be respected consistently. Articles that do not comply with all the requirements specified in the Author Guidelines will not be accepted for publication. For your convenience, we include a template illustrating the style required by our journal.